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Mail de Wilbur

Dear Luis,

I thought you might like to know that my latest novel, 'The Quest', was published in the UK on 6 April, and is also available in Argentina, Hungary and South Africa. It will be published in many other countries in the next few months -- in the Czech Republic on 3 May, in Italy on 10 May and in the USA and Canada on 15 May.

Following on from 'River God', 'The Seventh Scroll' and 'Warlock', 'The Quest' continues the story of the Warlock, Taita, who is wise in the lore of the ancient gods and is a master of magic and the supernatural.

My UK publishers, Macmillan, have made a limited number of autographed, boxed copies available via their web site. You'll find details of this special edition, more information on 'The Quest', details of publication dates in many countries, and my promotional tour itinerary on my web site at

Best regards,



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La historia de W.S: W.S. nacio en Africa Central en 1933, estudio en las universidades de Michelhouse y Rodhesia. Desde 1964 cuando publico su primer gran exito “Cuando comen los leones”, se ha dedicado a escribir full-time. Ha escrito casi 30 novelas, fruto de meticulosas investigaciones realizadas de sus viajes alrrededor del mundo. W.S escribe una novela cada dos anos y en sus tiempos libres se dedica a la pesca con mosca y a viajar. Actualmente vive en Londres y pensando en su nueva novela.